" Powell's radio voice was tense in Donovan's ear: ' Now, look, let's start with the three fundamental Rules of Robotics-the three rules that are built most deeply into a robot's positronic brain.' In the darkness, his gloved fingers ticked off each point.
'We have: One, a robot may not injure a human being, or through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.'
'Two,' continued Powell, 'a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.'
'And three, a robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.' " ( Pg. 37)
This quote is from the second chapter of I, ROBOT, shows Powell explaining the three rules that set into the robot's memory, they discuss how why they set those rules. I have think over how the creators set up the robot's mind could affect to every single person and the world if there are robots every where like book says. The rules are make for every robot that created to make sure the robot listen to the owner, and protect itself, but anything the robots do can not hurt the human. And I think those three rules answered my question on the first post which was about how the robot will treat us if there are robots in the future.
In this chapter I think Isaac Asimov wanted to tell us what the scientist making batter for robot life, and he also pointed out how the robot creators set the robot up while they building it. And I think his main point of this chapter is describe why they need those rules for robot if the world have the mixed of human and robot. The first few page of this chapter were hard to understand because Isaac Asimov added some of the science stuff into the story, but I think he has achieved his purpose with how the robot creators add rules for robot because that could help the curious of readers about how the robot will treat human.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
I, ROBOT (ROBBIE) - Post #1
" 'Now don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. It's that robot Gloria calls Robbie. He doesn't leave her for a moment.' 'Well, why should he? He's not supposed to, And he certainly isn't a terrible machine. He's the best darn robot money can buy and I'm damned sure he set me back half a year's income. He's worth it, though-darn sight cleverer than half my office staff.'
He made a move to pick up the paper again, but his wife was quicker and snatched it away.
'You listen to me, George. I won't have my daughter entrusted to a machine - and I don't care how clever it is. It has no soul, and no one knows what it may be thinking. A child just isn't made to be guarded by a thing of metal.' " (Pg. 7)
This quote is from the first chapter of I, ROBOT shows Mr. and Mrs. Weston were having a conversation about their daughter named Gloria that why she playing with a robot that called Robbie. I wonder what the world will look like if what Mrs. Weston said will happen. Although the book is fiction, but I know people are now creating robots and trying to fit them into our society and I guess our world will be soon look like what happen in the book. Mrs. Weston was worrying about the robot that always come with her daughter, she thinks the robot might harm her daughter because it's not a normal human. I also wonder what the robots will treat us if there are robots in the future.
I think the author Isaac Asimov has achieved his purpose of taking the readers into the curious by adding more situations which reacted by human emotions that could make the readers feel more exciting while the readers are reading the book. He described the world in the future will be under control with the mixed of human and robot. He used most of imagery and drama as his techniques to make the readers feel like they are drowning into what happen in the book, it keeps the readers thinking deeper, and predict what will happen.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
This video clip is a movie of "Brave New World", it's talk about the Human lives are under the world controller, which know as the government or their God. This government have the system of creating human lives by Ford company. They taught the children about their lives, no more war, they are in the good condition of safety, and everything the government doing are right, they taught about the world just have been created after the world controller started creating the human, everything about the nature such as haveing sex and give birth are wrong and that's are against the rules. The government in the future will give everyone type of chemical called "soma" to get rid of sadness, and all the people will do is to follow the order gives out by government. I think we have to try to keep our future under this kind of government. We can't just follow their order and live our lives, we must have more freedom in the future.
People are living with longer age with the newest technology of health care system, the average of a normal human age for now is 80-90, but that is not enough, so the scientists are discovering how to help human live longer or maybe immortal. In this video clip, they are creating a type of cell that can protect human body with immune system that kill other bad cells which ruin human health, and that way of protecting human body could help us live longer with 50 years or more.
The longer lives for everyone is a good idea but that way will against the nature, and if the people living longer that could be big problem to this world and environment because of the increasing population, and there will be no more place and not enough natural resources for people to live. I know some of the government in Asia had passed out the rule that no more than 2 kids for every single family, that way could limit down the amount of increasing population.
There are many religions exist in this world, and in the past people were fighting and killing each other cause of the different religion. And now the religions in this world had more open, it won't force people to follow it anymore, so people have the choice of picking religion.
This video clip is telling the different thoughts between the science and what people believe in God. It seem like the science is the biggest enemy that kept on against what people believe in religion. Almost everyone who had religion of Christian, they all know that God created one man and one woman, but in science, they talk different about the transform through many years of monkey to form human. All the science talk about is what they see and what prove it. I think in the future the religion will be disappear from this world, and what people believe is based science.

The Global is getting warmer day by day because of the CO2 gas is keep increasing by billion of tonnes based on what people using of the technology, car gas, factory smoke, burn trash, dump waste to river... those cause big effect to our world, which ruining and breaking down environment, and our health by breathing or live near it.
The global warming as you see at the 2 poles of the earth are getting warmer, ice melting, the animals living at these 2 poles have no more place to live, so it slowly extinct every day, same as other animals on continental, global warming make wildfire which burn down all trees, that killed a lot of animals.
We need to have some rule to solve this world issue, and need more scientist to figure out how to help the world as soon as possible. And We also can help the world by limit using the technology, limit using car, turn off light when you don't need it...
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Human, Robot, Alien
The world in the future will change very much, so the race will have a little affect by the changing of the world in the future, it may change a bit but I think people not going to killing each other because of different races. There will be more races while the technology, science get more improvement, which could create more human races by adding robot or some different human race to our society. The scientist will use the robot arms or legs to replace for the human who missing arms or legs, and I think in the future the scientist will soon replace those technology to all the people who missing part of body.
Alien is another big conflict that could change the world. I think almost everyone know about the alien through the movie, or have heard it from someone, we don't know is it real or not, but the clip just show us that the alien have abducted an Italian Woman, and after she returned she has pregnant and some weird spots on her body are glow in the dark. When the doctor ultrasound the fetus, the fetus has the radio wave, which mean it different than normal fetus, so they didn't allow that fetus to live anymore and they took it out from her body and examined it. Through the clip, we can understand more about the alien and have the predication about the alien will dominate our world because we are living very close to them from now, the UFO news are kept showing up. And that will be the question for all of us about how's the human race will change in the future with many weird things affecting our lives today.
The world in the future will change very much, so the race will have a little affect by the changing of the world in the future, it may change a bit but I think people not going to killing each other because of different races. There will be more races while the technology, science get more improvement, which could create more human races by adding robot or some different human race to our society. The scientist will use the robot arms or legs to replace for the human who missing arms or legs, and I think in the future the scientist will soon replace those technology to all the people who missing part of body.
Alien is another big conflict that could change the world. I think almost everyone know about the alien through the movie, or have heard it from someone, we don't know is it real or not, but the clip just show us that the alien have abducted an Italian Woman, and after she returned she has pregnant and some weird spots on her body are glow in the dark. When the doctor ultrasound the fetus, the fetus has the radio wave, which mean it different than normal fetus, so they didn't allow that fetus to live anymore and they took it out from her body and examined it. Through the clip, we can understand more about the alien and have the predication about the alien will dominate our world because we are living very close to them from now, the UFO news are kept showing up. And that will be the question for all of us about how's the human race will change in the future with many weird things affecting our lives today.
Monday, October 17, 2011
World in the future will based on the technology which give all of us quicker support, we don't have to think much about how to solve the problem, and don't have to find any thing, just slide and click on whatever you wanted. The technology in the future will give us more correct answer/ result, faster speed, so we don't have to wait longer or worry about someone give you the wrong answer. The technology in the future will be very strong, if everyone just just lean on it, then all of us will be lazy, get fatter, and we may have no intelligent at all. Though technology is good for all, but we have to limit the time of using the technology, all our health will seriously decrease.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Traverse : Into The Future
by Je ' Free
What I say now may be elementary -
Once man unravels time and its mystery
We travel to the past by memory
Imagination’s what our future will be
Delve in the theories of the human minds
It’s heaven or hell or in between those lines
Push to one direction, a radical turn
We see this paradox a great concern
We have explored it almost endlessly -
How we can change the course of history
Kaleidoscopic the world seems to be
We need a mechanism to set us free
Traverse the unreached boundaries ...
Where there’s no war, poverty, and pollution
Traverse the possibilities ...
Where there’s no environmental devastation
Traverse the unknown energy ...
Where there’s a parallel dimension disguised
Traverse levels of this mystery ...
Where we will be spending the rest of our lives
The world in the past has destroyed by the human intelligent. The human has used a lot of the natural resources to work on many thing, and once day our world will run out of natural resources. We all agree to use the intelligent and natural resources to make the world look better; and we also disagree with the people who using the intelligent and natural resources on a wrong track such as use it for war, destroy the city by dump waste into river... which made the world temperature increasing, more pollution...We have to end or limit down all the thing which relate to destroying world, and think farther about our life and next generation in the future.
by Je ' Free
What I say now may be elementary -
Once man unravels time and its mystery
We travel to the past by memory
Imagination’s what our future will be
Delve in the theories of the human minds
It’s heaven or hell or in between those lines
Push to one direction, a radical turn
We see this paradox a great concern
We have explored it almost endlessly -
How we can change the course of history
Kaleidoscopic the world seems to be
We need a mechanism to set us free
Traverse the unreached boundaries ...
Where there’s no war, poverty, and pollution
Traverse the possibilities ...
Where there’s no environmental devastation
Traverse the unknown energy ...
Where there’s a parallel dimension disguised
Traverse levels of this mystery ...
Where we will be spending the rest of our lives
The world in the past has destroyed by the human intelligent. The human has used a lot of the natural resources to work on many thing, and once day our world will run out of natural resources. We all agree to use the intelligent and natural resources to make the world look better; and we also disagree with the people who using the intelligent and natural resources on a wrong track such as use it for war, destroy the city by dump waste into river... which made the world temperature increasing, more pollution...We have to end or limit down all the thing which relate to destroying world, and think farther about our life and next generation in the future.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Post # 1 (Predicting)

And when the technology become more commonly used for everyone, people will be more lazy and they will have less work experience/skill. People will gain more weight because they don't have to use their arms or legs to do any work, they just have to sit and enjoy their food, and what they will do is press the buttons.
I know everyone are trying to make our world look more beautiful with greater ideas which will build massive building, advanced technology to support the human life, and that was a purpose of an artist who created the art of the future. When the people living in the world of technology, there will be many people lean on the work of technology, so they don't have to do any thing, and they getting lazy day by day, and it will affect the people lives, and the culture also change.
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