Sunday, October 30, 2011


           This video clip is a movie of "Brave New World", it's talk about the Human lives are under the world controller, which know as the government or their God. This government have the system of creating human lives by Ford company. They taught the children about their lives, no more war, they are in the good condition of safety, and everything the government doing are right, they taught about the world just have been created after the world controller started creating the human, everything about the nature  such as haveing sex and give birth are wrong and that's are against the rules. The government in the future will give everyone  type of chemical called "soma" to get rid of sadness, and all the people will do is to follow the order gives out by government. I think we have to try to keep our future under this kind of government. We can't just follow their order and live our lives, we must have more freedom in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Great find, Tai!
    I wish you had done more analysis about how this vision of the future relates to our essential questions.
